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Open Letter To Facebook

My page has been removed after I posted pictures of nipples in protest at the 24 hour suspension of my page for posting the picture of a woman who had just given birth which I was told goes against your rules.


After many years of suffering your constant censorship and discrimination I have come to understand that the whole issue seems to be with nipples (hence my protest).

And that is why some women in the interest of education or activism decide to self mutilate with photoshop in order to guarantee that their pictures will not be censored and remain, albeit without nipples.


No one needs to mutilate us to sell fashion - we do it all by ourselves now. Well done!


When I recovered my virtual freedom after the temporary closure of my page, I organised a peaceful and virtual demonstration of nipples (just nipples without the surrounding breast) which had the effect of degenderising them.

After that I received a warning and the two pictures most evidently from female breasts were removed.

I was then asked to ‘clean’ my page.

The problem for me was that I didn't see anything dirty about it.

I couldn't choose one nipple and punish another. How was I to know that only male nipples were considered unoffensive?

Then, in the middle of being persecuted by you because of my gender, I happened across some horrific stories on your network.

One of them consisted of the pictures of dead babies used to make soup in China.

These were extremely disturbing images, yet ones that were deemed acceptable for general viewing by your network.


So you see, your censorship is highly confusing. It does not appear to follow any established notions of morality where non-sexual images of female nipples are considered offensive, but images of infant corpses are not.


Your censorship is merely the extension of a system that tells women how and when to show their breasts.

Your censorship is from the same mindset that sets an 18 age limit just to watch videos of birth on Youtube.

And it is the same belief that, despite the fact technology is inexorably dragging us towards an unprecedented social democracy, will make sure that women arrive last, tied-up and silent once again still without an identity of their own.


If you think you can censor birth and breastfeeding, you’re dumber than you look.

It’s life itself. It’s what brought us here and luckily enough our vaginas and breasts do not comply with your protocols.


I’m deeply disappointed your network chooses to repeatedly support violence and pornography while censoring the very few acts in life that are completely and spontaneously ruled by love.


Please do let me know exactly which nipples violate the rules and why, because nowhere have I posted pornographic content and those deemed as having gone against any rules stem from gender discriminatory cyber bullying.


I would gladly leave your network, but I can't help remembering women who didn't move from their seat on a bus or a pub and the evolutionary leaps made as a result.


I want to do you a favour and educate you on the knowledge and freedom of women to show their bodies as theirs, on their right to feed their babies wherever they choose and on their need to understand the reality of their physiology.


Meanwhile I will keep posting pictures of nipples till you kick me out and explain why.


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