Beyond the occasional physical issues in birthing and breastfeeding, there are also several intellectual problems parents face today when having a baby. Most of these seem to arise through the pursuit of the concepts of ‘easier parenting’, ‘greater freedom’ and ‘being in control’. As promoted by movies, magazines and advertising, we find ourselves questioning how asmothers we can still have ‘me time’, get enough sleep, maintain our figures and relationships as if ourbabies had never happened at all?. Life is not a picture, but we are certainly sold one: the picture of all those women who can do all the above, who right after birth look as glamourous and, and here comes the crux of the matter, as sexually desirable as ever before. We need to question this very carefully. This picture is...
La feminista que hablaba de partos. La madre que hablaba de feminismo. La espectadora madre y feminista.