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Our midwives, our culture

There is a campaign trying desperately to protect independent midwives continuing to work in this country. There is a demonstration planned for the 25th of March.
In this case the pressure on midwives comes in the shape of insurance.
In other countries it is a matter of legislation while in others still, ignorance.

But all the cases around the world that I know of, namely the Albany Midwives in the UK , Agnes Geréb in Hungary , midwives in America refusing to accept licenses, etc.. . have a common ground, namely, that midwives ultimately protect the interest of women and their choices in birth as well as their freedom. If they were to go or are absorbed by a patriarchal, industrial approach to birth, our entire birth culture goes with it.

I come from Spain where rapid economical growth offers an easy view into what losing a culture of birth and its experienced midwives means. In my country birth now, in general, is seen as pathological, where women are forced to lie down, are cut and shaved, routinely given enemas, their uterus pressured physically, and told by medical professionals with every gesture that "they know nothing". Midwives and women are battling to regain birth choices.

Choice is choice for everyone. Nobody is going to take away womens' right to care and to go to a hospital in western society and needless to say that we must continue to provide safety for all women around the world. That is unquestionable, but equally I feel we need to protect the choice of those who do not wish to take the risks of going to hospital, who want to birth at home and who want to celebrate birth while chosing the care they feel suitable with a midwife they trust.
Assuming that a mother will jeopardise the health of her infant should be enough of an insult to take to the streets on the 25th of March but beyond that I want my daughter and grandaughters to have an understanding of who they are, how they came to be and who was there protecting their journey.
Taking that away from them is erasing their identity.
Taking our midwives away is stealing our culture.

Jesusa Ricoy-Olariaga
Childbirth educator
Hypnobirthing Teacher
Doula and Placenta Encapsulation Specialist

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